The “life on life " initiative is focused on disciple making in America and Africa. the desired outcome is to produce strong disciple makers who will be able to replicate reproduce and multiply other world visionary world impacting disciple makers on the standard of Jesus Christ all over the world to the end of the age. The duration of life on life is 3 years , just like rabbi Jesus and His Talmudic duration. They learn the yoke of Jesus.
Life on life helps those who age out of at 18 and desire to learn to make disciples. We help them through this transition initiative for three years to established in a Biblical world view that honors God. Resources are expended on the cost of housing and utilities and nutritional support. Participants agree to covenant of holiness and character during the three year journey with NBOI. This is a program that is bringing much change in the view of society because when this kids age out they will get something to encourage and give them hope instead of going back to the streets.